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澳大利亚科普广播Imagine This


澳大利亚科普广播Imagine This

iiawah 发表于 2023-2-6 10:26:24 浏览:  7206 回复:  166 [显示全部楼层] |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
官网 https://www.abc.net.au/kidslisten/programs/imagine-this
播客 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/imagine-this/id1367299937

澳大利亚广播ABC Kids出的科普播客Imagine This
其实用苹果自带播客就可以听,但还是亲手从Apple Podcast扒拉了MP3,方便拷到倾听者给娃听


Where does poo go when I flush it down the toilet?
Why don’t cats wear shoes?
Why do stars twinkle?
Why do tears come out of our eyes when we cry?
Where does money come from?
Why does a snake go “ssss” with its tongue poking out?
Why can I sometimes see the moon in daytime?
How does a tiny seed grow into a huge tree?
Does space go on forever?
Do animals sleep like people?
Why do we get the hiccups?
Why are mosquito bites itchy?
Why is the Earth Round?
Why does rain only come from grey clouds?
Where do our recycled items go?
How do echidnas breathe underground?
Why do we need food?
What are spiderwebs made from?
Why do we have bones?
Is there life in other galaxies?
The new season of Imagine This is coming!
Where do dreams come from?
Why do birds sing?
Why do volcanoes erupt?
How do we smell?
Why do leaves fall off trees?
How does our heart beat?
How was the Earth made?
Why are there waves?
Why do we lose our baby teeth?
Why did the dinosaurs die?
Why do shooting stars fall out of the sky?
What is coronavirus?
Bri has a question...
Why are jokes funny?
Why does my mouth like sugar but my body doesn't?
How do fish breathe underwater?
How are germs made and What are they made of?
How do bees make honey?
BONUS: Welcome to The Imaginarium!
Where do our voices come from?
How is paper made from trees?
What is a cool fire?
How are lightning and thunder made?
Why do animals have spots, stripes, and scales?
BONUS: Weather in the Imaginarium
How is water made clean to drink?
How did people come up with words?
How does the sun light up the world?
Why do farts come out of your bum?
How do caterpillars turn into butterflies?
BONUS: Marine Biology in the Imaginarium
How does my skin heal?
Why do the tides go in and out?
Why aren't there big animals like dinosaurs anymore?
How do birds fly?
How is plastic made?


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